Call With Questions: 855-252-0086
Frequently Asked Questions
General Questions
QUESTION:I received a violation for speeding but I was not driving. Do I have to pay it?
ANSWER:An automated photo speed violation is considered a civil violation. The law states the owner of the vehicle is responsible. In some states, you may "transfer" the violation to the driver of the vehicle by filling out an affidavit and having it notarized. It should be noted that if the violation is not paid, the owner remains responsible for the violation. As long as a violation is paid, no further action is taken.
Not all states allow a transfer of Liability such as Georgia and Iowa. In those cases, you would need to contest your violation.
QUESTION:If I pay the violation, will my insurance go up?
ANSWER:No. This violation is a civil violation and is not reported to insurance companies. Please be aware, there are other consequences for nonpayment depending on which state you received your violation in.
QUESTION: Will points be added to my license if I pay the violation?
ANSWER: No. This violation is a civil violation and is NOT considered a traffic or moving violation. Please be aware, there are other consequences for nonpayment depending on which state you received your violation in.
QUESTION:What will happen if I don't pay the fine?
ANSWER: If the violation is not paid, it is based off of the state. Look at the back of your citation to be advised of your situation for the state you received the violation in. Once in court, the Judge has total jurisdiction to adjudicate the case.
*NOTE: A late fee may be assigned if the violation is not paid within 30 days. Additional fees may apply. Please see back of your citation for exact amounts and situations*
QUESTION: I don't live in the state where I received the violation. What will happen if I don't pay it?
ANSWER: Courts may adjudicate cases based on the jurisdiction's laws and/or ordinances. Failure to pay the violation may result in court action and/or the debt being sent to collections and credit bureaus.
Question: What is the difference between "Violation Date" and "Issue Date"
ANSWER: The Violation date is the date that your violations occurred and you were cited. The Issue date is the date that another officer approved the violation and it was mailed out to you. Aging on your citation does not start until the issue date (day that the citation is sent out to you)
QUESTION: Can I pay my violation over the phone?
ANSWER: Yes, you may pay your violation over the phone by calling 855.252.0086. Visa, Discover, and Mastercard are accepted. (You may also pay online using the same credit/debit cards). Please patiently listen to the prompts. If you wish to speak to a representative, please press "9" or "0" Click HERE to make your payment now.
QUESTION:How do I know when my citation is due?
Answer:The due date is listed on the citation in the top right hand corner and bottom right hand corner. Failure to pay in full by the due date may result in late fees and/or other penalties
QUESTION: Can I set up a payment plan?
Answer: This varies by agency. Please call us as 855-252-0086 to inquire about your citation.
QUESTION:If I pay my violation online, is it secure?
Answer:Yes, we use the most up to date and secure SSL technology to ensure total privacy and security for your online payment. We do not maintain any record of your card information.
QUESTION: Isn't this type of enforcement illegal?
ANSWER: If you received a violation, it is in accordance with state and local law. If you wish to research the law that applies to you, please visit the "State Laws" tab above, or click here
QUESTION: I have a complaint and want to voice my opinion. How do I do this?
ANSWER: If you wish to make a complaint, please email us at You must include your notice number, name, and what you wish to discuss. Please do not call the processing center or the Police Department to make your complaint.
QUESTION: Can I take care of other types of citations through this service? ie: parking violations, criminal violations, etc.
ANSWER: No, this site and our phone line is reserved for you photo speed violation ONLY. We do not process any other types of violations and those are not connected to us in any way.
QUESTION: How do I know that the camera targeted my vehicle and not the one behind/in front/next to me?
ANSWER: On the photo of your vehicle, there is a red reticle. (A red circle, square, crosshair, etc). That reticle indicates that the laser contacted your vehicle and was capturing your vehicle speed only. It is not possible for the LIDAR technology to have captured any other vehicle around you instead.
QUESTION: I want to request records ahead of my court date. How do I do this?
ANSWER: Any records request can be submitted to
QUESTION: Why did you mail the notices to my old address?
ANSWER: By law, we must mail the notices to the address that is currently on the registration. If the violator has moved and did not update their registration (updating your license does NOT count as your registration, nor does changing your address with USPS) then the responsibility for any additional fines/penalties/or consequences remains on the violator.
QUESTION: Do I have to pay my late fees?
ANSWER: Yes. You are required to pay any fees associated with the violation. Any unpaid fees will be turned over to Collections
QUESTION: Why did I receive a violation when the lights weren't flashing?
ANSWER: In Georgia, state law allows citations to be given when students are present. This means, for example, if the flashing light speed limit is 25mph you will be given a ticket a 36mph, once the lights turn off the speed limit may raise to 35mph and you would be ticketed at 46mph. Most school times are listed online, and speed limits are posted within the school zone.
QUESTION: Do lights flash even when school is not in session?
ANSWER:Flashing lights are controlled by public works. We are not aware if they are flashing during days when school is not in session. No citation will be issued unless it is a school day. If the lights are flashing, it is recommended to follow the posted speed limit regardless.
QUESTION: Can my violation be turned into a warning?
ANSWER: No. A citation has been issued and payment is due.
QUESTION: Why is my 2nd violation more than my first/My citations are different amounts?
ANSWER: In Georgia, the first offense equals $100. 2nd and subsequent violations equal a total of $150. The fine amount is set by state law. In other states, it is based on local ordinance and may vary in amount based on the speed at which you were traveling.
QUESTION: What happens if I don't pay my school zone violation?
ANSWER: In Georgia, if the violation is not paid by the time it reaches 90 days, the account will be turned over to the Georgia Department of Revenue. Once that has occurred, you will not be able to renew your registration until the fine(s) is paid in full. For other states, please see the back of your citation. Nonpayment may result in your account receiving late fees, being sent to collections, tax offset, or other consequences allowed by local ordinance/state law.
Officer Captured Violations
QUESTION: How often is the unit calibrated?
ANSWER: The unit is calibrated before every use.
QUESTION: I don't believe this is an officer/I didn't see an officer and I want to know what to do.
ANSWER: There are 2 names on your violation under "Operating Officer" and "Approving Officer". Operating officer refers to the officer who was out on the roadway and observed your vehicle speeding. He is the officer that cited you. Approving officer refers to the officer that looked over your violation after you were cited and approved it to be mailed. Furthermore, the unit will NOT capture a violation without the officer aiming the device and pulling the units trigger to capture the photo. If you are still concerned about your violation, you may contest by selecting the "contest your violation tab above OR by clicking here
QUESTION: Why didn't the officer just pull me over?
ANSWER: The officer had the option to pull you over and write you a traditional citation which would include higher fines, a required court appearance, and result in it being reported to your insurance. In most cases, if the officer chooses to issue a civil violation by mail, the fine is lower, you do not have to go to court, and it is not reported to your insurance. It is at the officers discretion as to which type of citation is issued.
QUESTION: Are out of state vehicles being targeted?
ANSWER: Absolutely not. The officer is running the program honestly and ethically. NO out of state vehicles are targeted.